145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546 contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519


Sunday Services

9AM Traditional Worship Service
This service is a liturgical service in the Anglican tradition. We use the ACNA 2019 Book of Common Prayer. Hymns are from the 1982 Hymnal. Some contemporary songs are used during Communion.




10:30AM Contemporary Worship Service
This service blends contemporary worship music with a modified version of the ACNA Book of Common Prayer. All of the service and the songs are projected on an overhead screen, allowing for convenient participation by the congregation.


Midweek Services and Activities

Tuesday  6:30PM

Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies.  Men and women meet separately.  The topic is selected by the group; this is usually a book of the Bible. The study is led by a lay person.



Wednesday  12:00 Noon

Prayer and Holy Communion service with no music and no sermon.


First Saturday of the month (9AM)

Men’s Breakfast

We meet in the Fellowship Hall. This is a social hour with discussions and sharing among the men of the congregation.

Third or Fourth Saturdays of each month

Ladies Luncheons

We carpool and visit different restaurants in the local area. Give us a call for more information.