Calling all members. Christ the King Church is having our Annual Parish Meeting in the Fellowship Hall after the second service on Sunday, February 19, 2023.
We will review the 2022 financials, highlight the ministries we we support outside the congregation, report on the successes of the ministries inside our congregation, talk a bit about where we might need some help, hear a little bit of Charlie’s+ heart for the fall and beyond, and of course, a Q&A session.
There will be ample food available to make a satisfying lunch.
Last Updated: 02/17/2023 by Charlie Vensel
Annual Parish Meeting Sunday, February 19, 2023
Calling all members. Christ the King Church is having our Annual Parish Meeting in the Fellowship Hall after the second service on Sunday, February 19, 2023.
We will review the 2022 financials, highlight the ministries we we support outside the congregation, report on the successes of the ministries inside our congregation, talk a bit about where we might need some help, hear a little bit of Charlie’s+ heart for the fall and beyond, and of course, a Q&A session.
There will be ample food available to make a satisfying lunch.
Category: News Tags: Annual Parish Meeting