145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519
We help people find God.
New Member Classes
Ready to join Christ the King Church? We offer New Member Classes twice per year, in the spring and fall. In this series of 3 classes (101, 201, 301) spread over as many weeks, we cover such topics as: The Gospel and the Church (capital “C”), the Anglican Communion, the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the history of Christ the King Church, the responsibilities of membership, how the church is organized, how to plug in & serve, and how to formally join.
We ask that you would complete at least 2 of the 3 classes to proceed with membership and be able to be present for the next New Member Sunday. Lunch will be served in each class. Each class lasts about 1.5 hours, and start about 12:15PM (after the second Sunday service) and takes place in the Fellowship Hall. Check our calendar for the next available dates. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
Confirmation, Reception & Reaffirmation Classes
At the beginning of each year, Christ the King Church offers Equipped for Ministry, a 4 class series to prepare you for Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation at the next bishop’s visit.
Topics include: Church history, the Creeds, Anglican history, the Ten Commandments, the Thirty-Nine Articles, the Catechism, the Sacraments, the rites of Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation, the Baptismal Covenant, understanding liturgy, understanding the Sunday service, using the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), discovering your spiritual gifts, plugging in at Christ the King Church, and much more.
Those desiring Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation will need to complete at least 3 of the 4 classes. There is homework each week and some light memorization. Check our calendar for the next available dates. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
Introduction to the Book of Common Prayer Class
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is a great resource for all Anglicans. Not only does it set out the orders of service for The Holy Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, and many more, it also has prayers to be used throughout the day via the Daily Office: Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer, Compline, and others. These are suitable for individuals and groups of all sizes to use, and can be led by anyone. The BCP can help you maintain a rhythm of prayer and devotion in your life and simultaneously joins you to millions of Anglicans around the world doing the very same thing. This class will primarily focus on the Daily Office.
You will need an ACNA Book of Common Prayer (2019). If you need to purchase one, you may find out how on our Resources page. Check our calendar for the next available class. This class is about 2 hours long. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
Anglicanism 101
This isn’t so much a class as it is a website feature. Every post on our website is tagged with something. Simply type “Anglicanism 101” into the search bar at the top right of the homepage on our website, and, if it has to do with Anglicanism, you will get a listing of all the informative, short articles related to it and why we do what we do. Content is being added weekly, so check back often. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
Disciple-Making Community Group
Want to learn how to share your faith? Want to learn how to disciple others that make disciples? Consider the Disciple-Making Community Group as we work together to follow Jesus in loving God, our neighbors as ourselves, and to be disciples who make disciples. We equip one another to engage those we come in contact with to begin conversations that ultimately lead to starting Discovery Bible Studies in their circles of influence.
The group meets in homes for the foreseeable future. For questions, or to join, please contact the Group Coordinator: Rev. Darlene Collom.
Women’s Bible Studies
Women’s Daytime Bible Study
The Women’s Daytime Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings from 10:30AM-11:45AM in the Fellowship Hall. Topics change every other months or so. For current study topics or questions related to the study, contact the StudyCoordinator: Verlee Jones.
Women’s Evening Bible Study
The Women’s Evening Bible Study meets every Tuesday night from 6:30PM-8:00PM in the Elders’ Room. It is at the same time as the Men’s Evening Bible Study, which meets in the Fellowship Hall. Topics change every other month or so. For current study topics or questions related to the study, contact the StudyCoordinator: Joy Luczynski.
Men’s Evening Bible Study
The Men’s Evening Bible Study meets every Tuesday night from 6:30PM-8:00PM in the Fellowship Hall. It is at the same time as the Women’s Evening Bible Study, which meets in the Elders’ Room. Topics change every other month or so. For current study topics or questions related to the study, contact the StudyCoordinator: Gary Miller.
“Are You Ready?” Classes
In the “Are You Ready?” series of classes we share knowledge of how to be ready in the face of different kinds of emergencies teaching that by being prepared for difficult situations we can remain calm and make better decisions for ourselves and our families and friends. Check our calendar for the next available date, or, contact the Class Coordinator: Kimberly Miller.
New Member Classes
Ready to join Christ the King Church? We offer New Member Classes twice per year, in the spring and fall. In this series of 3 classes (101, 201, 301) spread over as many weeks, we cover such topics as: The Gospel and the Church (capital “C”), the Anglican Communion, the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the history of Christ the King Church, the responsibilities of membership, how the church is organized, how to plug in & serve, and how to formally join.
We ask that you would complete at least 2 of the 3 classes to proceed with membership and be able to be present for the next New Member Sunday. Lunch will be served in each class. Each class lasts about 1.5 hours, and start about 12:15PM (after the second Sunday service) and takes place in the Fellowship Hall. Check our calendar for the next available dates. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
At the beginning of each year, Christ the King Church offers Equipped for Ministry, a 4 class series to prepare you for Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation at the next bishop’s visit.
Topics include: Church history, the Creeds, Anglican history, the Ten Commandments, the Thirty-Nine Articles, the Catechism, the Sacraments, the rites of Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation, the Baptismal Covenant, understanding liturgy, understanding the Sunday service, using the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), discovering your spiritual gifts, plugging in at Christ the King Church, and much more.
Those desiring Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation will need to complete at least 3 of the 4 classes. There is homework each week and some light memorization. Check our calendar for the next available dates. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is a great resource for all Anglicans. Not only does it set out the orders of service for The Holy Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, and many more, it also has prayers to be used throughout the day via the Daily Office: Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer, Compline, and others. These are suitable for individuals and groups of all sizes to use, and can be led by anyone. The BCP can help you maintain a rhythm of prayer and devotion in your life and simultaneously joins you to millions of Anglicans around the world doing the very same thing. This class will primarily focus on the Daily Office.
You will need an ACNA Book of Common Prayer (2019). If you need to purchase one, you may find out how on our Resources page. Check our calendar for the next available class. This class is about 2 hours long. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
Anglicanism 101
This isn’t so much a class as it is a website feature. Every post on our website is tagged with something. Simply type “Anglicanism 101” into the search bar at the top right of the homepage on our website, and, if it has to do with Anglicanism, you will get a listing of all the informative, short articles related to it and why we do what we do. Content is being added weekly, so check back often. Contact Charlie+ with any questions.
Disciple-Making Community Group
Want to learn how to share your faith? Want to learn how to disciple others that make disciples? Consider the Disciple-Making Community Group as we work together to follow Jesus in loving God, our neighbors as ourselves, and to be disciples who make disciples. We equip one another to engage those we come in contact with to begin conversations that ultimately lead to starting Discovery Bible Studies in their circles of influence.
The group meets in homes for the foreseeable future. For questions, or to join, please contact the Group Coordinator: Rev. Darlene Collom.
Women’s Bible Studies
Women’s Daytime Bible Study
The Women’s Daytime Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings from 10:30AM-11:45AM in the Fellowship Hall. Topics change every other months or so. For current study topics or questions related to the study, contact the Study Coordinator: Verlee Jones.
Women’s Evening Bible Study
The Women’s Evening Bible Study meets every Tuesday night from 6:30PM-8:00PM in the Elders’ Room. It is at the same time as the Men’s Evening Bible Study, which meets in the Fellowship Hall. Topics change every other month or so. For current study topics or questions related to the study, contact the Study Coordinator: Joy Luczynski.
Men’s Evening Bible Study
The Men’s Evening Bible Study meets every Tuesday night from 6:30PM-8:00PM in the Fellowship Hall. It is at the same time as the Women’s Evening Bible Study, which meets in the Elders’ Room. Topics change every other month or so. For current study topics or questions related to the study, contact the Study Coordinator: Gary Miller.
“Are You Ready?” Classes
In the “Are You Ready?” series of classes we share knowledge of how to be ready in the face of different kinds of emergencies teaching that by being prepared for difficult situations we can remain calm and make better decisions for ourselves and our families and friends. Check our calendar for the next available date, or, contact the Class Coordinator: Kimberly Miller.
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