December 4, at 11:30 a.m. at Brasstown Valley Resort.
This luncheon is always a favorite because of the great food and beautiful Christmas decorations. Please let us know if you will be attending so we can reserve the proper amount of tables. A bag will be available for the cost of your luncheon. Don’t let the cost to be a problem. Others usually put in to help cover extra cost. Further information will be coming. Contact Vickie Kimbell or Karen Rauch.
Last Updated: 06/20/2022 by Karen Rauch
Ladies CTK Christmas Brunch
This luncheon is always a favorite because of the great food and beautiful Christmas decorations. Please let us know if you will be attending so we can reserve the proper amount of tables. A bag will be available for the cost of your luncheon. Don’t let the cost to be a problem. Others usually put in to help cover extra cost. Further information will be coming. Contact Vickie Kimbell or Karen Rauch.
Category: Activities