Congratulations to our new Confirmands. Bishop Frank Lyons confirmed and received three of our people this on World Mission Sunday, 2/4/24. Welcome to the Anglican Communion!
We celebrated with a wonderful potluck luncheon, followed by a Q&A session with Bishop Lyons.
In preparation of the Bishop’s arrival in February, Christ the King Church will be starting our Equipped for Ministry Class on January 7, 2024 for those who wish to be Confirmed in the Anglican Communion, Received in the Anglican Communion, or Reaffirm their faith.
Confirmation: What is it and why do we do it?
In the rite, a person renews his or her baptismal vows of faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Confirmation is especially appropriate for those who have been baptized as infants and now own their faith in Christ for themselves.
Second, Confirmation is about anointing. When the bishop lays his hands on you during the rite, he asks God to pour out his Holy Spirit on you and give you the power to carry out your ministry and mission in the life of Christ the King. The Spirit has given each member of the church gifts, abilities and passions and sends us on mission for the kingdom. Think of it as the “ordination of the laity.”
Who is Confirmation for?
Confirmation is specifically for those who have not been confirmed in the Anglican Communion. If you were confirmed in The Episcopal Church before the summer of 2003, your confirmation counts in the Anglican Communion. Read More
Join us for our Lessons & Carols Service on Sunday, 12/31 at 10AM. There will be only one service that day.
The Lessons and Carols service, a cherished Christmas tradition in the Anglican Church, traces its roots to the late 19th century, combining scripture readings with musical interludes to celebrate the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. This unique format has become a hallmark of the Advent and Christmas seasons, fostering a sense of anticipation and joy among congregants. Read More
Last Updated: 02/05/2024 by Charlie Vensel
Congratulations to our New Confirmands, Sunday, February 4, 2024
Congratulations to our new Confirmands. Bishop Frank Lyons confirmed and received three of our people this on World Mission Sunday, 2/4/24. Welcome to the Anglican Communion!
We celebrated with a wonderful potluck luncheon, followed by a Q&A session with Bishop Lyons.
Posted: 01/10/2024 by Charlie Vensel
Today’s (1/10/24) Women’s Bible Study Canceled, Noon Prayer & Communion Service Still On
Today’s Women’s Daytime Bible Study has been cancelled due to road conditions. It will resume next week.
The Noon Prayer & Communion Service is still on. However, please use caution.
Last Updated: 01/02/2024 by Charlie Vensel
Equipped for Ministry Class-Preparing for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation 2024
In preparation of the Bishop’s arrival in February, Christ the King Church will be starting our Equipped for Ministry Class on January 7, 2024 for those who wish to be Confirmed in the Anglican Communion, Received in the Anglican Communion, or Reaffirm their faith.
Confirmation: What is it and why do we do it?
In the rite, a person renews his or her baptismal vows of faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Confirmation is especially appropriate for those who have been baptized as infants and now own their faith in Christ for themselves.
Second, Confirmation is about anointing. When the bishop lays his hands on you during the rite, he asks God to pour out his Holy Spirit on you and give you the power to carry out your ministry and mission in the life of Christ the King. The Spirit has given each member of the church gifts, abilities and passions and sends us on mission for the kingdom. Think of it as the “ordination of the laity.”
Who is Confirmation for?
Confirmation is specifically for those who have not been confirmed in the Anglican Communion. If you were confirmed in The Episcopal Church before the summer of 2003, your confirmation counts in the Anglican Communion.
Read More
Last Updated: 12/19/2023 by Charlie Vensel
Lessons & Carols Service on Sunday, December 31, 2023
Join us for our Lessons & Carols Service on Sunday, 12/31 at 10AM. There will be only one service that day.