145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546 contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519

Healthy Living Small Group Starts Thursday, September 7, 2023

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? In a rut? Broke from all the medicine that you take? Feel like there is a healthier person in there somewhere? If so, then this group is for you.

The Healthy Living Small Group will help you discover a path to better health (which usually results in shedding those extra pounds).

At our organizational meeting 7 PM on Thursday the 7th of September we will talk about the structure for the group. We’ll decide how often we want to meet and what topics the group wants to discuss. This meeting (and all future meetings) will be one hour in length. There will be a time of sharing with members talking about their struggles and wins for the week.

The topic for the first meeting will be Intermittent Fasting—what it is, how to begin, and what you can expect. We’ll talk about the science behind this method of time restricted eating and just how darn easy it is to implement.

Future topics will focus on healthy eating the Low Carb Healthy Fat (LCHF) or Keto way. We will cover essential supplements, strategies for dining out or with friends, what is a healthy fat anyway. We’ll take on high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and dementia, the food pyramid and why we want to turn it upside down, why the Standard American Diet (the acronym is SAD—well named) as well as a host of other inflammatory disease processes.

This is not a weigh in and shaming group. The goal is NOT weight loss—it is health gain. If you need to lose weight that will happen with this focus. If you are already at a correct weight this type of lifestyle will change your chronic pains to vitality and health. With knowledge comes the power to change—a support group just makes it so much easier.

As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.”

Hope to see you there. You can sign up for this group on the Church Calendar, the Church Center Mobile App, or just let me, Mary Ann Johnson, as the facilitator know that you want to be a part of our group.

Yours in Christ,

Mary Ann Johnson

Women’s Daytime Bible Study Starts Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Wednesday’s Women’s Daytime Bible Study starts September 6, 2023 from 10AM-11:45AM and lasting until December. Please join the women of CTK as we learn more about the women of the Bible by starting a study of the Book of Ruth. The Book of Ruth is a “biblical Cinderella story from the archives of the royal Jewish bloodline.” It sets the stage for the future kings of the nation of Israel, and the glorious coming of the Messiah. Ruth and Boaz’s son, Obed, was the grandfather of King David (Matthew 1:5). There’s no cost; bring your Bibles and a friend if you can. Contact Verlee Jones for more information. Register online here.

Annual CTK Church Picnic Saturday, August 5, 2023

Wendy, Kurt, Great fireplace
CtK Picnic – Meeks Park Pavilion

Picnic. happy daisies!
Linda, Jennifer , Jeff
The Miller’s
Singing with the band.

Linda and Darlene laying Corn Hole on Deck of Pavilion

Greg, Al and band members
Having fun chatting


Don, Diane, Pam, Sybil, Al, etc

Pulled pork and turkey, hi Ken wings, salads, eggs, desserts’ , smore‘s bar, etc. Fantastic!

Ladies’ Luncheon Saturday, August 19, 2023

View off deck at Paris & Co.
Chris, Becky, Terre, Frances, Maria, Verna Janet and Karen.
Diana, Wendy,Judy, Mary Ann, Kay, Judy, Kimberly, Sunny, Marie, Sybil, Pam, Donna
Lunch at Paris &. co.
Karen and Maria – “twins” at Paris & Co.




















Ladies August Luncheon
Paris & Co. .

We are all set for Saturday, August 19, 11:30 am at Paris & Co. at Crane Creek Vineyards. A really nice restaurant……

Address. 912 Crane Creek Rd in Young Harris. Drive 76 and turn right on to 17 – go 6.9 miles and turn left on 339 – 0.9 miles and turn left on 66 – 3.6 miles and then 0.3 miles turn right on Crane Creek Rd.

Please RSVP here or email Karen Rauch or Becky Keller….We need an accurate account for them to prepare for us. As usual we will have the bag to gather the cost of your meal, drink and tip. This should be a really fun time.