145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546 contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519

Shop with a Deputy…….donation

Shop with a Deputy Donation

Wayne, Joe, Judy and Charlie presenting the check of $3,000 from Christ the King Anglican church to the Police department.  We raised this by having a donation Spaghetti dinner.  Blessings to the kids who will joyously “Shop with A Deputy” this year.

Ladies CTK Christmas Brunch

December 4, at 11:30 a.m. at Brasstown Valley Resort.
This luncheon is always a favorite because of the great food and beautiful Christmas decorations.  Please let us know if you will be attending so we can reserve the proper amount of tables.  A bag will be available for the cost of your luncheon.  Don’t let the cost to be a problem.  Others usually put in to help cover extra cost. Further information will be coming.  Contact Vickie Kimbell or Karen Rauch.

Thanksgiving Brunch

Please  join us for a great Thanksgiving Brunch at 1:00 pm on Thanksgiving Day.  The church will provide the turkey— if you are able, please bring something to trim the turkey – a salad, a side dish, or a dessert.

Always a great time to get together and always wonderful and delicious food.   A time to count and remember our blessings from God!! 



Christ the King Music Group

We are looking for people who can play a musical instrument or who enjoy singing — to join us next Monday night, November 1st, at 7:00 pm. in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring your instruments or voices and join us.

This will be our first meeting to play some church music and form a group to have live music for some services and brunches, etc.  Looking for guitar, piano, bass, stringed instruments, woodwinds, etc, and we need singers.  So far we have two flutes, banjo, guitar, drums, and a couple of singers.  If you can read music or play by ear please come join us. This should be lots of fun and also a great way to “ make a joyful noise unto Our Lord”

Call Garry Hughes (garry@garryhughes.com) 404-915-8279 or Carl Bowman for information.  Or, you may call or text me and I will forward your questions on to them.  Karen Rauch 904-923-6023. Phone/text. rauchka@icloud.com

Men’s Bible Study

The men meet on Tuesday’s at 6:30 PM at the church.  The new study is titled “Knowing Anglicanism“. The first book we will be using is “The Faith of Anglicans” by John Rogers, ThD.  Books will be provided by the church. Come when you can to learn and have fellowship with the guys.  coffee, too!      This will be a very interesting study by a very good teacher.

Emergency R U Ready Class

Important information facilitated by Mary Ann Johnson, DDS, regarding Covid, Meds, Inflation, etc…, please try to attend either the 10 am class or the 7 pm class.  It will be held in our fellowship hall.
You will get great information that will be helpful to you.

Blessing of Animals 10/3

don omalley with dogIn recognition of the Feast of St. Francis, Father Don will conduct a blessing of pets and animals of the parish on October 3rd at 5:00 p.m.  St. Francis is known for his special love and respect for animals, and apparent ability to communicate with them.  Bring your dog, cat, fish, hamster, horse, goat – whatever – to be blessed.  Please keep in mind your animal will be in “mixed company” so bring it on leash, in crate, on halter – whatever is appropriate for your friend, to keep it, and others safe.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes!

operation christmas child

It’s that time of year again – Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child!

Boxes are available in the fellowship hall.  Please return your filled OCC Christmas Child Shoeboxes to the fellowship hall and place on benches by the table when completed.  Be sure to place label stating boy or girl, and age group, on your box and include the $9 processing fee for shipping and Bible study materials the child will receive.  You can also pay this online if you wish and you will then receive a note stating to what country your boxes went.