145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546 contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519

WEC Family Resources Banquet/Fundraiser

Celebrating 30 years in Ministry …..
February 26, at Antioch Baptist Church, Blairsville, GA. seating begins at 5:45 pm.

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Open Forum Q&A

♥️Sonday, Feb 06, at 12:30pm, we will have an Adult Forum Brunch. ♥️
We will update everyone on our search process for our next pastor, and welcome any questions about anything.

Lunch will be provided.  Those who love to cook could bring desserts or side dishes.  We welcome everyone to come join us.

Daytime Ladies Bible Study

Starting Wednesday, January 12, at 10 AM we will begin a new ladies daytime Bible study it is “Jesus and women in the first century and now“ by Kristie McClelland.
I hear from others that it is excellent! We need to get the books ordered so if you would like to attend the study, please RSVP to either Karen Rauch, Verlee Jones, or Darlene Collom -this will be a seven week study.     All are welcome.

CTK Christmas Brunch

Oh  Amazing food

Enjoying the food

Great conversations

Desserts are amazing – Maria

We had an excellent CtK family Christmas  Brunch held in our Fellowship Hall.  We had Ham, turkey and beef with salads, green beans, sweet and mashed potatoes, dressing, and so many side dishes,   The desserts were amazing.