We are looking for people who can play a musical instrument or who enjoy singing — to join us next Monday night, November 1st, at 7:00 pm. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your instruments or voices and join us.
This will be our first meeting to play some church music and form a group to have live music for some services and brunches, etc. Looking for guitar, piano, bass, stringed instruments, woodwinds, etc, and we need singers. So far we have two flutes, banjo, guitar, drums, and a couple of singers. If you can read music or play by ear please come join us. This should be lots of fun and also a great way to “ make a joyful noise unto Our Lord”
Call Garry Hughes (garry@garryhughes.com) 404-915-8279 or Carl Bowman for information. Or, you may call or text me and I will forward your questions on to them. Karen Rauch 904-923-6023. Phone/text. rauchka@icloud.com
Last Updated: 06/20/2022 by Karen Rauch
Ladies CTK Christmas Brunch
This luncheon is always a favorite because of the great food and beautiful Christmas decorations. Please let us know if you will be attending so we can reserve the proper amount of tables. A bag will be available for the cost of your luncheon. Don’t let the cost to be a problem. Others usually put in to help cover extra cost. Further information will be coming. Contact Vickie Kimbell or Karen Rauch.
Last Updated: 11/23/2022 by Karen Rauch
Thanksgiving Brunch
Always a great time to get together and always wonderful and delicious food. A time to count and remember our blessings from God!!
Last Updated: 06/20/2022 by Karen Rauch
Christ the King Music Group
This will be our first meeting to play some church music and form a group to have live music for some services and brunches, etc. Looking for guitar, piano, bass, stringed instruments, woodwinds, etc, and we need singers. So far we have two flutes, banjo, guitar, drums, and a couple of singers. If you can read music or play by ear please come join us. This should be lots of fun and also a great way to “ make a joyful noise unto Our Lord”
Call Garry Hughes (garry@garryhughes.com) 404-915-8279 or Carl Bowman for information. Or, you may call or text me and I will forward your questions on to them. Karen Rauch 904-923-6023. Phone/text. rauchka@icloud.com
Last Updated: 06/20/2022 by Karen Rauch
Men’s Bible Study