In recognition of the Feast of St. Francis, Father Don will conduct a blessing of pets and animals of the parish on October 3rd at 5:00 p.m. St. Francis is known for his special love and respect for animals, and apparent ability to communicate with them. Bring your dog, cat, fish, hamster, horse, goat – whatever – to be blessed. Please keep in mind your animal will be in “mixed company” so bring it on leash, in crate, on halter – whatever is appropriate for your friend, to keep it, and others safe.
Last Updated: 06/20/2022 by Karen Rauch
Emergency R U Ready Class
Important information facilitated by Mary Ann Johnson, DDS, regarding Covid, Meds, Inflation, etc…, please try to attend either the 10 am class or the 7 pm class. It will be held in our fellowship hall.
You will get great information that will be helpful to you.
Last Updated: 11/21/2022 by Greg Beyer
Blessing of Animals 10/3
Last Updated: 11/21/2022 by Karen Rauch
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes!
It’s that time of year again – Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child!
Boxes are available in the fellowship hall. Please return your filled OCC Christmas Child Shoeboxes to the fellowship hall and place on benches by the table when completed. Be sure to place label stating boy or girl, and age group, on your box and include the $9 processing fee for shipping and Bible study materials the child will receive. You can also pay this online if you wish and you will then receive a note stating to what country your boxes went.
Last Updated: 11/21/2022 by Greg Beyer
Yardsale – Update
We thank Debbie O’Malley for working so hard along with so many others that contributed to the wonderful response of the community and a successful yard sale.