Morning Prayer is a form of worship that follows a structured liturgical format and is typically conducted in the morning, although it can be adapted for other times of the day. It is rooted in the Book of Common Prayer. Morning Prayer, along with Evening Prayer, Holy Communion, and other services, is designed to provide Anglicans with a regular pattern of worship and a framework for daily prayer. However, Morning Prayer can be led by clergy or laypersons in a group, and there, could include Communion from the Reserve Sacrament in certain circumstances. Group services may or may not include a homily (short sermon).
Early in Anglican history, Morning Prayer was the primary Sunday service, with the frequency of the Eucharist varying. However, the Eucharist eventually became the central service on Sundays, with the most notable advancement occurring in the United States in 1979. However, aside from use as a personal devotional aid, Morning Prayer remains an important part of the Anglican tradition with churches often offering it at other times during the week. That does not necessarily exclude Sundays, however, especially in the absence of a bishop or priest.
Here is a brief overview of the typical components of Morning Prayer: Read More
Last Updated: 02/05/2024 by Charlie Vensel
What is Lent?
Lent is a forty-day (excluding Sundays) period of fasting, repentance and spiritual discipline in the Christian calendar, observed by many denominations including the Anglican Church. The word Lent derives from lencten, an Old English term meaning spring.
The origins of Lent can be traced back to the early Christian Church. In the early centuries, Lent was primarily observed as a period of preparation for baptism. Catechumens, or those who were preparing for baptism, would undergo a period of instruction and formation in the Christian faith, culminating in their baptism at the Easter Vigil.
Over time, the observance of Lent expanded beyond just preparation for baptism. It became a season of repentance and spiritual discipline for all Christians, not just catechumens. The length of Lent has varied throughout history. In some Christian traditions, it was observed for only a few days, while in others, it lasted for several weeks. It wasn’t until the Council of Nicea in 325 AD that the duration of Lent was standardized at forty days, to reflect the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry. Read More
Last Updated: 02/13/2024 by Charlie Vensel
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Christ the King Church will be hosting a Pancake Dinner in honor of Shrove Tuesday on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 from 5PM-6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day or Fat Tuesday, is observed on the day before Ash Wednesday. It is the last day of feasting before the start of Lent. In the Bible, the forty days of Lent symbolize the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert. During this time, Christians are encouraged to fast, repent, and prepare for Easter.
The name Shrove comes from the Old English word shrive, which means to confess or to receive absolution. In the past, Christians would confess their sins to a priest and receive absolution before the start of Lent. Pancakes were a way to use up rich ingredients like eggs, butter, and sugar before the fasting period began. The tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday has continued to this day in many countries around the world.
Last Updated: 02/05/2024 by Charlie Vensel
Congratulations to our New Confirmands, Sunday, February 4, 2024
Congratulations to our new Confirmands. Bishop Frank Lyons confirmed and received three of our people this on World Mission Sunday, 2/4/24. Welcome to the Anglican Communion!
We celebrated with a wonderful potluck luncheon, followed by a Q&A session with Bishop Lyons.
Posted: 01/10/2024 by Charlie Vensel
Today’s (1/10/24) Women’s Bible Study Canceled, Noon Prayer & Communion Service Still On
Today’s Women’s Daytime Bible Study has been cancelled due to road conditions. It will resume next week.
The Noon Prayer & Communion Service is still on. However, please use caution.
Last Updated: 01/02/2024 by Charlie Vensel
Equipped for Ministry Class-Preparing for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation 2024
In preparation of the Bishop’s arrival in February, Christ the King Church will be starting our Equipped for Ministry Class on January 7, 2024 for those who wish to be Confirmed in the Anglican Communion, Received in the Anglican Communion, or Reaffirm their faith.
Confirmation: What is it and why do we do it?
In the rite, a person renews his or her baptismal vows of faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Confirmation is especially appropriate for those who have been baptized as infants and now own their faith in Christ for themselves.
Second, Confirmation is about anointing. When the bishop lays his hands on you during the rite, he asks God to pour out his Holy Spirit on you and give you the power to carry out your ministry and mission in the life of Christ the King. The Spirit has given each member of the church gifts, abilities and passions and sends us on mission for the kingdom. Think of it as the “ordination of the laity.”
Who is Confirmation for?
Confirmation is specifically for those who have not been confirmed in the Anglican Communion. If you were confirmed in The Episcopal Church before the summer of 2003, your confirmation counts in the Anglican Communion.
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Last Updated: 12/19/2023 by Charlie Vensel
Lessons & Carols Service on Sunday, December 31, 2023
Join us for our Lessons & Carols Service on Sunday, 12/31 at 10AM. There will be only one service that day.
Last Updated: 12/04/2023 by Charlie Vensel
New Women’s Daytime Bible Study Starts Wednesday, January 10, 2024
The women will be studying Lysa Terkeurst’s study, Becoming More than a Bible Study Girl:Living the Faith After Bible Class is Over. It helps to answer the question, “How do we not only know God’s truth but also feel equipped to live it out in our everyday life?” The study lasts for 6 Wednesdays, Jan 10 – Feb. 14. 2024. Register here.
Last Updated: 12/19/2023 by Charlie Vensel
What is Morning Prayer?
Morning Prayer is a form of worship that follows a structured liturgical format and is typically conducted in the morning, although it can be adapted for other times of the day. It is rooted in the Book of Common Prayer. Morning Prayer, along with Evening Prayer, Holy Communion, and other services, is designed to provide Anglicans with a regular pattern of worship and a framework for daily prayer. However, Morning Prayer can be led by clergy or laypersons in a group, and there, could include Communion from the Reserve Sacrament in certain circumstances. Group services may or may not include a homily (short sermon).
Early in Anglican history, Morning Prayer was the primary Sunday service, with the frequency of the Eucharist varying. However, the Eucharist eventually became the central service on Sundays, with the most notable advancement occurring in the United States in 1979. However, aside from use as a personal devotional aid, Morning Prayer remains an important part of the Anglican tradition with churches often offering it at other times during the week. That does not necessarily exclude Sundays, however, especially in the absence of a bishop or priest.
Here is a brief overview of the typical components of Morning Prayer: Read More
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