145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546 contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519


The View Grill at Butternut Creek Golf Course

Ladies June luncheon

Ladies June luncheon

Our ladies June luncheon will be held at The View Grill at Butternut Creek Golf Course in Blàirsville.    We will hold this luncheon in honor of our Peggy Harris who has done so much for Christ the King over many years of being an Elder, Hospitality hostess, etc, etc

We will get together at 11:30 am.   The view here is so beautiful….food is great too.   Come join us.   Please RSVP online or call/text Karen Rauch or Pam Smith.
As usual the “bag” will be passed for the cost of your meal, drinks, salads, dessert, tip, etc.

This should be lots of fun and an opportune time to chat with Peggy and wish her a wonderful future with her move near grandkids!

The View Grill at Butternut Creek Golf Course Map


Pentecost Sunday is Sunday, May 19, 2024

Christ the King Church is pleased to offer two Pentecost Sunday Services on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 9AM (Traditional) and 10:30AM (Contemporary).

Pentecost Sunday, also known as Whitsunday, is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. The word “Pentecost” is derived from the Greek term “Pentēkostē,” meaning “fiftieth,” as this holy day falls on the fiftieth day after Easter Sunday.

It’s origins are in the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, or Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks, celebrated the first-fruits of the wheat harvest. In the New Testament, Pentecost is seen as the descent of the Holy Spirit creating the first-fruits of salvation in Jesus Christ, where 3,000 were saved, the birth of the New Testament Church, and its mission to take the Gospel to all nations and races.
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We will have our Ladies May Luncheon at Vincent’s Copper Top Restaurant & Pub in Blairsville  (where Monet’s used to be). 130 Blue Ridge St., Blairsville……..

It is completely redecorated and has new ownership and menu.  It will be  Saturday, May 18 at 11:30 am.  Please register online or call/text Karen Rauch or Pam Smith to RSVP.  As usual a bag will be passed for the cost of your lunch,  salad, drink, tip, dessert, etc. Looking forward to seeing you all there!


April Ladies’ Luncheon on Saturday, April 20, 2024

We are excited to have our April luncheon at Paris & Company at 916 Cane Creek Road, Young Harris, GA 30582 on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 11:30AM.

Everyone has such good things to say about the food, views and atmosphere at this restaurant. We have made reservations and need to have at least 12 people in attendance. Please RSVP on our website, the ChurchCenter App, or call/text Karen Rauch or Pam Smith.

As usual, a bag will be provided for the cost of your meal, drink, dessert and tip. This restaurant gets such marvelous reviews. We are praying for good weather so we can sit on the deck and enjoy the beautiful and peaceful views. Hope to see YOU join us!

💖Paris & Company

Ladies April luncheon at Paris & Company