145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546 contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519


Church Center App

Stay connected with everything Christ the King-related with the Church Center App on your phone or tablet. Contact Charlie Vensel+ for help setting up your app. You can download the app for iPhone or Android below.

  • Online calendar
  • Event signups
  • Bookmark your events
  • Parish directory
  • More features coming soon

The Trinity Mission

The Trinity Mission works to make ancient Christian formation more accessible to the modern believer, providing the Audio Daily Office and other prayer podcasts. They also offer various print resources for use in the home as well as online and print resources for local parishes to use in their work of forming their community around a habit of daily prayer and meditation on the Scriptures.

The Daily Audio Bible

The Daily Audio Bible guides Christian’s worldwide into an intimate and daily friendship with the Bible, reading it through each year. The written text and audio are available on their mobile apps for iPhone and Android.

The Daily Office App

This app invites you to join with Christians around the world in praying with the Church, at any time or in any place you may find yourself. It makes it easy to pray daily morning, midday, evening, and compline (bedtime) prayer without flipping pages, searching for scripture readings or calendars, or interpreting rubrics. The prayers are presented from The Book of Common Prayer (2019) of the Anglican Church in North America and reflect the ancient patterns of daily prayer Christians have used since the earliest days of the church.

You may download the Daily Office App for iPhone here.

The Book of Common Prayer 2019

The Book of Common Prayer (2019) is a form of prayers and praises that is thoroughly Biblical, catholic* in the manner of the early centuries, highly participatory in delivery, peculiarly Anglican and English in its roots, culturally adaptive and missional in a most remarkable way, utterly accessible to the people, and whose repetitions are intended to form the faithful catechetically and to give them doxological voice.” ~ Preface, The Book of Common Prayer 2019

Not only does The Book of Common Prayer (2019) set out the orders of service for The Holy Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, and many more, it also has prayers to be used throughout the day via the Daily Office: Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer, Compline, and others. These are suitable for individuals and groups of all sizes to use, and they can be led by anyone. The BCP can help you maintain a rhythm of prayer and devotion in your life and simultaneously joins you to millions of Anglicans around the world doing the very same thing.

*catholic with a lowercase “c” means universal, not Roman Catholic

You may purchase The Book of Common Prayer 2019 here.

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism

To Be a Christian, by J. I. Packer and a team of Anglican leaders, was written to renew the tradition of catechesis for today’s Christians. With over 360 questions and answers, plus Scripture references to support each teaching, this Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) approved edition covers the full range of Christian doctrine and life, drawing from the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and other important doctrinal summaries. Clear, concise, and conversational, this resource is for all believers who seek to be grounded more deeply in the truth of God’s Word.

You may purchase To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism here.


You can also get To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism as a mobile app for iPhone or Android.

The To Be a Christian app makes this invaluable resource accessible anytime, anywhere. Download now and start your journey of spiritual growth!

Concise Theology by J.I. Packer

Theology is important for the Christian life. And though it is marked by many complex terms and doctrines, there is yet what J. I. Packer calls “the permanent essentials of Christianity.” This concise introduction to these essential doctrines distills theological truths so both scholar and layperson alike can grow to treasure the unchanging pillars of the Christian faith.

Each of the ninety-four chapters explores a different doctrine in a way that is easy to understand and rooted in historic Reformed teaching. As you learn more about the foundational teachings of the faith, you will grow in the knowledge of God and will worship him as your Creator, Redeemer, and sovereign Lord.

You may purchase Concise Theology here.

JC Ryle on Understanding Baptism & The Lord’s Supper

Bishop John Charles “JC” Ryle (1816–1900) was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where he was a Craven scholar. He was ordained in 1841. In 1880, Ryle became the first Bishop of Liverpool.  Ryle wrote a series of essays which discuss nineteenth century doctrinal controversies from an evangelical viewpoint. We commend his writing on Baptism and The Lord’s Supper below.

JC Ryle on Baptism

JC Ryle on The Lord’s Supper

GAFCON stands for Global Anglican Future Conference.

The GAFCON movement is a global family of authentic Anglicans standing together to retain and restore the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion. GAFCON works to guard and proclaim the unchanging, transforming Gospel through biblically faithful preaching and teaching which frees our churches to make disciples by clear and certain witness to Jesus Christ in all the world.