145 N. Main Street, Hiawassee, GA 30546 contact@ctkh.org 706.896.5519


Christ the King Church has many opportunities to serve from helping on Sunday mornings, to administration, to grounds and facility maintenance, to ministering to those within the congregation that need help with household items or to those who are homebound.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the altar areas for all services. This includes all elements for Holy Communion, liturgical decorations, maintaining the holy vessels and linens, and assisting in special services. Team Leader: Maria Brothers

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild procures and arranges flowers and other decorations for the altar and special services and occasions, including but not limited to baptisms, weddings, funerals, confirmations, Mother’s Day, Easter Lillies, and Christmas Poinsettias. Team Leader: Maribeth Wilcox


The Ushers/Greeters welcome everyone entering the church, assist with the flow of people coming into worship, collate the bulletin and booklets for the service, collect & present the offerings at the altar during the Offertory, and record attendance. Team Leader: Ginny Boettcher

Offering Counters

Two Offering Counters total the financial offerings after special services and after the second service each Sunday. Team Leader & Treasurer: Becky Keller

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM)/Chalice Bearers

LEM/Chalice Bearers serve Communion in both of our services. They are licensed for this task. In our first service, LEMs read the Nicene Creed and the Prayers of the People. Team Leader: Gary Miller

LEM Home Communion

LEMs take Communion to and lead a very short service with our shut-ins on certain Sundays. They are licensed for this task. Team Leaders: Karen & Ron Fisher

A/V Computer Operators

The A/V Computer Operators run the slideshow and sound system for our worship services and record/distribute the sermons. Team Leader: Becky Keller Slideshow Developers: Chris Selle & Jim Boettcher


The Readers read the first lesson and the psalm on Sunday mornings. Team Leader: Charlie Vensel+


These hosts prepare the Fellowship Hall, coffee and snacks for people that gather between and after the Sunday services and much more for our special events such as our monthly potlucks, New Member Celebrations, Confirmation Sunday, Thanksgiving Dinner, etc. Team Leader: Pam Smith


There is plenty to do assisting our Administration Coordinator, Kimberly Miller, with various tasks from preparing the Prayers of the People and printing the materials for Sunday, to mailing anniversary & birthday cards, to general record keeping, and other tasks.

Facility, Grounds & Home Repair

Building Maintenance & Repair Team

There is always work to be done around the church from light carpentry and electrical, to paint and pressure washing. Team Leader: Gary Miller

Grounds Maintenance & Memorial Garden Team

From fertilizer and weed control, to mulching, and pruning, to signage and markers, there is always something to be done outside of our church building to keep it looking fresh and inviting. Team Leader: Jeff Coker

Sexton (Weekly Cleaning)

We are an active church, and the facility is in regular need of general housekeeping each week and more after special events. Team Leader: Pam Smith

Carpenter’s Helpers

The Carpenter’s Helper Team provides basic home repair and assistance to our members that are unable to do this kind of work on their own. Team Leader: Gary Miller  Scheduler: Maria Brothers