Ready to join Christ the King Church? Our spring New Member Class series starts on Sunday, April 16, 2023.
Lunch will be served. There will be three 1.5 hour classes over 3 weeks, after the second Sunday service, in the Fellowship Hall.
Class Schedule
101 Class on Sunday, April 16, 2023: The Gospel and the Church (capital C)
201 Class on Sunday, April 23, 2023: The Anglican Communion, The Anglican Church in North America, and the History of Christ the King Church
301 Class on Sunday, April 30, 2023: Responsibilities of Membership, How Christ the King is Organized. How to Plug In and Serve, and How to Formally Join
New Member Sunday & Potluck Celebration on Sunday, May 7, 2023: New members will be formally received in the services, followed by an amazing potluck celebration after the second service.
We ask that you would complete at least 2 of the 3 classes to proceed with membership and be able to be present for the New Member Sunday on May 7, 2023. Sign up on our calendar or send Charlie+ an email.
Last Updated: 04/03/2023 by Charlie Vensel
New Member Classes Start Sunday, April 16, 2023
Lunch will be served. There will be three 1.5 hour classes over 3 weeks, after the second Sunday service, in the Fellowship Hall.
Class Schedule
101 Class on Sunday, April 16, 2023: The Gospel and the Church (capital C)
201 Class on Sunday, April 23, 2023: The Anglican Communion, The Anglican Church in North America, and the History of Christ the King Church
301 Class on Sunday, April 30, 2023: Responsibilities of Membership, How Christ the King is Organized. How to Plug In and Serve, and How to Formally Join
New Member Sunday & Potluck Celebration on Sunday, May 7, 2023: New members will be formally received in the services, followed by an amazing potluck celebration after the second service.
We ask that you would complete at least 2 of the 3 classes to proceed with membership and be able to be present for the New Member Sunday on May 7, 2023. Sign up on our calendar or send Charlie+ an email.
Last Updated: 04/20/2023 by Charlie Vensel
Good Friday Offering April 7, 2023 is for Christ Church, Jerusalem
From Bp. Frank:
The history of the Good Friday Offering reaches back to 1922 when, in the aftermath of World War I, The Anglican Church sought to create new relationships with and among the Christians of the Middle East. The Good Friday Offering was created from these initial efforts, which focused on a combination of relief work and the improvement of ecumenical and Anglican relations. Read More
Last Updated: 04/09/2023 by Charlie Vensel
Palm Sunday Services April 2, 2023
More about Palm Sunday from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer 2019:
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. The procession with palms, which was already observed in Jerusalem in the fourth century, calls to mind the triumphal entry of Jesus, our Lord and King, into Jerusalem. The procession is fundamentally an act of worship, witness, and devotion to our Lord.
Palm Sunday is unique in having two Gospel readings. Originally there were two distinct liturgies. The palms were blessed and the Triumphal Entry Gospel was read outside of the church building. The door of the church represented the gate through which Jesus entered the city.
The purpose of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem was to fulfill his Father’s will; thus it is fitting that this service continues with the reading of the Passion Gospel in which the whole story of the week is anticipated. The emphasis of the liturgy turns to the days that lie ahead in Holy Week. We who hail Jesus as King one moment, may in the next deny him, even joining with the crowd in shouting, “Crucify him!”
Last Updated: 03/15/2023 by Charlie Vensel
How to Love Well This Lent by +Carl Buffington
As promised, we are trying to post resources on our website regularly to help you engage a holy and meaningful Lent.
Here is a recent blog post by our friend and guest preacher, +Carl Buffington, titled How to Love Well this Lent. I commend it to you.